The use of competent District Court interpreters in proceedings involving speakers of languages other than English is critical to ensure that justice is carried out fairly for defendants and other stakeholders.

Contract Spanish language interpreters for Third Judicial District Court are provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC),   Other language interpreters can be provided as outlined in the Language Access Plan and the State of New Mexico’s Court Interpreter Program.

Court Interpreter Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Interpreter skills include:

  • Highly proficient in both English and the other language.
  • Impatiality
  • Able to accurately and idiomatically turn the message from the source language into the receptor language without any additions, omissions or other misleading factors that alter the intended meaning of the message from the speaker.
  • Adept at simultaneous interpretation, which is the most frequent form of interpretation used in the courtroom, and in consecutive interpretation and sight translation.
  • Able to communicate orally including appropriate delivery and poise.
  • Demonstrates high professional standards for courtroom demeanor and professional conduct.

The single greatest operational requirement in the district court is for Spanish-language interpreters. However, there is also a need for interpreters in other languages.

Ethical Standards and Responsibilities

  • The interpreter shall render a complete and accurate interpretation.
  • The interpreter shall remain impartial.
  • The interpreter shall maintain confidentiality.
  • The interpreter shall confine himself or herself to the role of interpreting.
  • The interpreter shall be prepared for any type of proceeding or case.
  • The interpreter shall ensure that the duties of his or her office are carried out under working conditions that are in the best interest of the court.  
  • The interpreter shall be familiar with and adhere to all of these ethical standards, and shall maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct to promote public confidence in the administration of justice.  

Spanish Language Coordinator

Anabel Vela

Court Office:  575-523-8210

Cell:  575-636-8503

Submitting a Request For Interpreter Form

The link to the Request for Interpreter Form is below.  Print and fill out the Form and fax to:

FAX NUMBER  575-528-8343

Please submit your Request at least 24 hours in advance of the time and date needed.

Please follow up your Request with a phone call to the Interpreter’s Office to alert them of your request. and to ensure that the request is met.

PHONE NUMBER  575-523-8210